API Reference


class pymongoext.model.Model

Bases: object

The base class used for defining the structure and properties of collections of documents stored in MongoDB. You should not use the Model class directly. Instead Inherit from this class to define a document’s structure.

In pymongoext, the term “Model” refers to subclasses of the Model class. A Model is your primary tool for interacting with MongoDB collections.


All concrete classes must implement the db() which should return a valid mongo database instance.


Create a Users model

from pymongo import MongoClient, IndexModel
from pymongoext import Model, DictField, StringField, IntField

class User(Model):

    def db(cls):
        return MongoClient()['my_database_name']

    __schema__ = DictField(dict(

    __indexes__ = [IndexModel('email', unique=True), 'name']

All pymongo.collection.Collection methods and attributes can be accessed through the Model as shown below

Create a new user

result = User.insert_one({
    "email": "john.doe@dummy.com",
    "name": "John Doe",
    "password": "secret",
    "age": 35
user_id = result.inserted_id

Find a single document by id. See get() for an alternative to find_one()

user = User.find_one(user_id)

Check if a document exists

user_exists = User.exists({"_id": user_id})
__collection_name__ = None

Pymongoext by default produces a collection name by taking the under_score_case of the model. See inflection.underscore for more info.

Set this if you need a different name for your collection.

__auto_update__ = True

By default, pymongoext ensures the indexes and schema defined on the model are in sync with mongodb. It achieves this by creating & dropping indexes and pushing updates to the the JsonSchema defined in mongodb collection. This is done when your code runs for the first time or the server is restarted.

If you want to disable this functionality and manage the updates yourself, you can set __auto_update__ to False.

But then remember to call _update() yourself to update the schema.

__indexes__ = []

List of Indexes to create on this collection

A valid index can be either:

  1. string optionally prefixed with a + or - sign.
  2. (string, int) tuple
  3. A list whose values are either as defined in 1 or 2 above (Compound indexes)
  4. an instance of pymongo.IndexModel

See the create_index and create_indexes methods of pymongo Collection for more info.

__schema__ = None

Specifies model schema

classmethod exists(filter=None, *args, **kwargs)

Check if a document exists in the database

All arguments to find() are also valid arguments for exists(), although any limit argument will be ignored. Returns True if a matching document is found, otherwise False .

  • filter (optional) – a dictionary specifying the query to be performed OR any other type to be used as the value for a query for "_id".
  • *args (optional) – any additional positional arguments are the same as the arguments to find().
  • **kwargs (optional) – any additional keyword arguments are the same as the arguments to find().
classmethod get(filter=None, *args, **kwargs)

Retrieve the the matching object raising pymongoext.exceptions.MultipleDocumentsFound exception if multiple results and pymongoext.exceptions.NoDocumentFound if no results are found.

All arguments to find() are also valid arguments for get(), although any limit argument will be ignored. Returns the matching document

  • filter (optional) – a dictionary specifying the query to be performed OR any other type to be used as the value for a query for "_id".
  • *args (optional) – any additional positional arguments are the same as the arguments to find().
  • **kwargs (optional) – any additional keyword arguments are the same as the arguments to find().
classmethod db()

Get the mongo database instance associated with this collection

All concrete classes must implement this method. A sample implementation is shown below

from pymongo import MongoClient
from pymongoext import Model

class User(Model):
    def db(cls):
        return MongoClient()['my_database_name']
classmethod name()

Returns the collection name.

See __collection_name__ for more info on how the collection name is determined

classmethod c()

Get the collection associated with this model. This method ensures that the model indexes and schema validators are up to date.

classmethod apply_incoming_manipulators(doc, action)

Apply manipulators to an incoming document before it gets stored.

  • doc (dict) – the document to be inserted into the database
  • action (str) – the incoming action being performed

the transformed document

Return type:


classmethod apply_outgoing_manipulators(doc)

Apply manipulators to an outgoing document.

Parameters:doc (dict) – the document being retrieved from the database
Returns:the transformed document
Return type:dict
classmethod parse(data, with_defaults=False)

Prepare the data to be stored in the db

For example, given a simple user model

class User(Model):

    def db(cls):
        return MongoClient()['my_database_name']

    __schema__ = DictField(dict(
        age=IntField(minimum=0, required=True, default=18)
User.parse({'name': 'John Doe'}, with_defaults=True)
>>> {'name': 'John Doe', 'age': 18}
  • data (dict) – Data to be stored
  • with_defaults (bool) – If True, None and missing values are set to the field default


classmethod manipulators()

Return a list of manipulators to be applied to incoming and outgoing documents. Manipulators are applied sequentially in an order determined by priority value of the manipulator. Manipulators with a lower priority will be applied first.

A manipulator operates on a single document before it is saved to mongodb and after it is retrieved. See pymongoext.manipulators.Manipulator on how to implement your own manipulators.

By default every pymongoext model has two manipulators:

  1. IdWithoutUnderscoreManipulator with priority=0
  2. ParseInputsManipulator with priority=7
Returns:list of pymongoext.manipulators.Manipulator
class IdWithoutUnderscoreManipulator

Bases: pymongoext.manipulators.Manipulator

A document manipulator that manages a virtual id field.

priority = 0
transform_incoming(doc, model, action)

Remove id field if given and set _id to that value if missing

transform_outgoing(doc, model)

Add an id field if it is missing.

class ParseInputsManipulator

Bases: pymongoext.manipulators.Manipulator

Parses incoming documents to ensure data is in the valid format

priority = 7
transform_incoming(doc, model, action)

Manipulate an incoming document.

  • doc (dict) – the SON object to be inserted into the database
  • model (Type[pymongoext.model.Model]) – the model the object is associated with
  • action (str) – One of CREATE|REPLACE|UPDATE. Signifies the action being performed
class MunchManipulator

Bases: pymongoext.manipulators.Manipulator

Transforms documents to Munch objects. A Munch is a Python dictionary that provides attribute-style access

See https://github.com/Infinidat/munch

priority = -1
transform_incoming(doc, model, action)

Manipulate an incoming document.

  • doc (dict) – the SON object to be inserted into the database
  • model (Type[pymongoext.model.Model]) – the model the object is associated with
  • action (str) – One of CREATE|REPLACE|UPDATE. Signifies the action being performed
transform_outgoing(doc, model)

Manipulate an outgoing document.

  • doc (dict) – the SON object being retrieved from the database
  • model (Type[pymongoext.model.Model]) – the model associated with this document


class pymongoext.fields.Field(default=None, required=False, enum=None, title=None, description=None, **kwargs)

Base class for all fields

  • required (bool) – Specifies if a value is required for this field. defaults to False
  • enum (list) – Enumerates all possible values of the field
  • title (str) – A descriptive title string with no effect
  • description (str) – A string that describes the schema and has no effect
  • **kwargs – Additional parameters

Creates a valid JsonSchema object

class pymongoext.fields.NullField

Null field

class pymongoext.fields.StringField(max_length=None, min_length=None, pattern=None, **kwargs)

String field

  • max_length (int) – The maximum length of the field
  • min_length (int) – The minimum length of the field
  • pattern (str) – Field must match the regular expression
  • **kwargs – any additional keyword arguments are the same as the arguments to the Field class
class pymongoext.fields.NumberField(maximum=None, minimum=None, exclusive_maximum=None, exclusive_minimum=None, multiple_of=None, **kwargs)

Numeric field

  • maximum (int|long) – The inclusive maximum value of the field
  • minimum (int|long) – The inclusive minimum value of the field
  • exclusive_maximum (int|long) – The exclusive maximum value of the field. values are valid if they are strictly less than (not equal to) the given value.
  • exclusive_minimum (int|long) – The exclusive minimum value of the field. values are valid if they are strictly greater than (not equal to) the given value.
  • multiple_of (int|long) – Field must be a multiple of this value
  • **kwargs – any additional keyword arguments are the same as the arguments to the Field class
class pymongoext.fields.IntField(maximum=None, minimum=None, exclusive_maximum=None, exclusive_minimum=None, multiple_of=None, **kwargs)

Integer field

class pymongoext.fields.FloatField(maximum=None, minimum=None, exclusive_maximum=None, exclusive_minimum=None, multiple_of=None, **kwargs)

Float field

class pymongoext.fields.BooleanField(default=None, required=False, enum=None, title=None, description=None, **kwargs)

Boolean field

class pymongoext.fields.DateTimeField(default=None, required=False, enum=None, title=None, description=None, **kwargs)

Datetime field

class pymongoext.fields.TimeStampField(default=None, required=False, enum=None, title=None, description=None, **kwargs)

Timestamp field

class pymongoext.fields.ObjectIDField(default=None, required=False, enum=None, title=None, description=None, **kwargs)

ObjectID field

class pymongoext.fields.ListField(field=None, max_items=None, min_items=None, unique_items=None, **kwargs)

List field

  • field (Field) – A field to validate each type against
  • max_items (int) – The maximum length of array
  • min_items (int) – The minimum length of array
  • unique_items (bool) – If true, each item in the array must be unique. Otherwise, no uniqueness constraint is enforced.
  • **kwargs – any additional keyword arguments are the same as the arguments to the Field class
class pymongoext.fields.DictField(props=None, max_props=None, min_props=None, additional_props=True, required_props=None, **kwargs)

Dict Field

  • (dict of str (props) – Field): A map of known properties
  • max_props (int) – The maximum number of properties allowed
  • min_props (int) – The minimum number of properties allowed
  • additional_props (Field | bool) – If True, additional fields are allowed. If False, only properties specified in props are allowed. If an instance of Field is specified, additional fields must validate against that field.
  • required_props (list of str) – Property names that must be included
  • **kwargs – any additional keyword arguments are the same as the arguments to the Field class

Creates a valid JsonSchema object

class pymongoext.fields.MapField(field, **kwargs)
class pymongoext.fields.OneOf(*fields, **kwargs)

value must match exactly one of the specified fields


>>> OneOf(StringField(), IntField(minimum=10), required=True)
class pymongoext.fields.AllOf(*fields, **kwargs)

value must match all specified fields

class pymongoext.fields.AnyOf(*fields, **kwargs)

value must match at least one of the specified fields

class pymongoext.fields.Not(field, **kwargs)

Allow anything that does not match the given field

  • field (Field) – value must not match this field
  • **kwargs – any additional keyword arguments are the same as the arguments to the Field class


class pymongoext.manipulators.IncomingAction

Bases: object

Enum for Incoming action types

class pymongoext.manipulators.Manipulator

Bases: object

A base document manipulator.

This manipulator just saves and restores documents without changing them.

priority = 5

Determines the order in which the manipulators will be applied. Manipulators with a lower priority will be applied first

transform_incoming(doc, model, action)

Manipulate an incoming document.

  • doc (dict) – the SON object to be inserted into the database
  • model (Type[pymongoext.model.Model]) – the model the object is associated with
  • action (str) – One of CREATE|REPLACE|UPDATE. Signifies the action being performed
transform_outgoing(doc, model)

Manipulate an outgoing document.

  • doc (dict) – the SON object being retrieved from the database
  • model (Type[pymongoext.model.Model]) – the model associated with this document
class pymongoext.manipulators.MunchManipulator

Bases: pymongoext.manipulators.Manipulator

Transforms documents to Munch objects. A Munch is a Python dictionary that provides attribute-style access

See https://github.com/Infinidat/munch

priority = -1
transform_incoming(doc, model, action)

Manipulate an incoming document.

  • doc (dict) – the SON object to be inserted into the database
  • model (Type[pymongoext.model.Model]) – the model the object is associated with
  • action (str) – One of CREATE|REPLACE|UPDATE. Signifies the action being performed
transform_outgoing(doc, model)

Manipulate an outgoing document.

  • doc (dict) – the SON object being retrieved from the database
  • model (Type[pymongoext.model.Model]) – the model associated with this document
class pymongoext.manipulators.IdWithoutUnderscoreManipulator

Bases: pymongoext.manipulators.Manipulator

A document manipulator that manages a virtual id field.

priority = 0
transform_incoming(doc, model, action)

Remove id field if given and set _id to that value if missing

transform_outgoing(doc, model)

Add an id field if it is missing.

class pymongoext.manipulators.ParseInputsManipulator

Bases: pymongoext.manipulators.Manipulator

Parses incoming documents to ensure data is in the valid format

priority = 7
transform_incoming(doc, model, action)

Manipulate an incoming document.

  • doc (dict) – the SON object to be inserted into the database
  • model (Type[pymongoext.model.Model]) – the model the object is associated with
  • action (str) – One of CREATE|REPLACE|UPDATE. Signifies the action being performed


exception pymongoext.exceptions.MultipleDocumentsFound

Raised by pymongoext.model.Model.get() when multiple documents matching the search criteria are found

exception pymongoext.exceptions.NoDocumentFound

Raised by pymongoext.model.Model.get() when no documents matching the search criteria are found